Financial Independence Advocate, Former Corporate IT Professional
Let's talk differently about our career, money, and life choices
What if your career was only 10 years instead of 50?
That is one of the many questions that prompted me to start this blog. Before a couple of years ago, the thought that I wouldn't work forever in some semblance of a corporation had never even crossed my mind. Being an entrepreneur sounded like the riskiest thing you could do, and working for a small company without all the comforting processes and structure I was used to sounded like a nightmare.
That is, until I met some awesome people who mentored me into opening my mind and daring to dream, just a little bit. I'm a logical, see it to believe it type of person, so blue sky dreaming does not come naturally to me. Getting exposed to these new perspectives and others real life experiences helped me realize that I was holding on to a version of my career and life that lined up with society's view of outward success, but wasn't really fulfilling me. It was time for a change. Maybe you feel or have felt the same. Welcome! So, what will I be sparking conversation about here?
Financial Independence Mindset
Building Wealth Career Learnings
Digital Nomad Life Passive Investing
Real Estate
“It’s a helluva start, being able to recognize what makes you happy.” ~ Lucille Ball
Pretty much everyone's path is going to look different. What’s right for me may not be right for you. But there are also a ton of things we can learn from each other. Something you do sparks an idea in me, something I share helps you work through a problem you're struggling with. I started this blog to share my journey, the things I’ve learned or done that changed my trajectory in my career and lifestyle, and start conversations that don’t look like what we see on LinkedIn most of the time.
My goal is to simply share and hopefully help provide another perspective for you to consider. I'm not here to tell anyone to do what I did prescriptively because what makes you happy is different than what makes me happy. Remember, you define what success and happiness means for you. But what helped me was seeing examples of what others did and then being able to put those tools I found useful into my own life toolbox.
Just know, I'm here to help if I can at any point in the journey.